The White Cane Chronicles Part 2
It has been about nine months since I have transitioned to having a Guide Dog in my life. Though this means that I am usually with my furry companion when I am out and about, there are still times when I need to use my white cane, or times when I use it to ensure that I keep up my skills.
Stemming My Way To A Science Degree
Science has always been my favourite subject, so much so that I remember my very first lesson in kindergarten which was 15 years ago. From that point on, I was permanently enthralled by the fascinating world of STEM. STEM stands for science, technology, engineering, and math; however I will be focusing more on the science and math component in this article.
The Importance of Braille Literacy
Why is braille literacy so important? Does Braille even matter today, in a world where everything is read aloud? What the heck even is it?
My Own Ableism
What is able-ist? Has my “plain vanilla” blindness enabled me to devalue people with “Neapolitan” blindness or blind people with additional needs? I’m not sure where to begin unravelling this important and heavy topic, but let’s take it all the way back to "Source of All Knowledge", Google.
Not Guiding, Just Walking Together
As someone who has grown up with a disability and who spends a lot of time discussing both the positive and challenging aspects of living as someone blind from birth to my friends, I often dream of what it would be like to have a friend who just gets it. “But why,” you may ask. “Don’t you have sighted friends who treat you normally?” Well, the answer is a complicated one. Yes and no.
Why Is My Difference So Different?
A couple of years ago I joined a Leadership working group made up of a diverse group of individuals who wanted to learn how to be more inclusive and practice celebrating diversity. At the first on-line group meeting, there were 8 of us from different locations in Canada, and even one person calling from England. There were a couple of grandparents, one male, one person who uses a wheelchair, somebody who disclosed they deal with severe anxiety, and myself - a person who is blind.
Blind is Not a Bad Word
The use of certain language is a complicated issue, not just in the blind community but the disability community in general. Do we use person first or disability first language? Should we not use certain words in order to prevent drawing attention to the disability? Are there any words we shouldn’t say at all? To put it simply, it’s a nuanced issue with no straightforward answer.
A Conversation About Blindness
It's the first week of Blindness Awareness Month and we are kicking off our month's worth of content with a version of a conversation that could very well be happening somewhere right now as you read this.
A Word Worth A Thousand Pictures
With each passing generation, our society has become increasingly visual. And now, there is hardly a millennial or Gen Z who doesn’t go through the process of taking a photo and sharing it at least a few times a day. Cellular phones with cameras are now common, almost essential, rather than the novelty devices they used to be. And being in the information age, where things move at lightning speeds, it means that people no longer feel they have the time to send detailed messages about what they may be doing.