Blindness 101 is an interactive workshop led by facilitators who are blind and is aimed at individuals who are planning to provide support to or work with a person who is blind or partially sighted, or have an interest in learning more about this population.
The purpose of the workshop is to introduce individuals to the basics of blindness including:
How being born blind differs from acquiring vision loss
Appropriate language including person first vs identity first
Introduction to Braille, Assistive Technology, and Orientation & Mobility
How and when to assist a person who is blind
Social / emotional aspects of blindness
Why we need to raise our expectations of persons who are blind
Resources and services available to persons who are blind
Blindness 101 can also be tailored to be a perfect Professional Development presentation for Teachers and Support Staff. Our Professional Development version includes all of the above topics, plus:
The medical and social models of disability
Common misconceptions about disability
Suggestions and strategies for creating a more inclusive classroom
Blindness 101 is perfect for
Childcare facilities
After-school programs
Summer Camp staff
Other non-profits who support children/youth
Members of the Hospitality industry
Health-care providers
Small businesses who serve the public
Professional Development Presentations for Teachers – This presentation is geared to interacting with children and youth, and can be offered in person or on Zoom. This can be tailored in length and format.
After participating in this 3-hour workshop, participants will feel better equipped and more confident interacting with persons who are blind or partially sighted. The presenter will challenge your unconscious bias about disability and provide a new way to think about inclusion.
Participants will receive a certificate upon completion of our Blindness 101 Workshop.
The standard Blindness 101 Workshop is 3 hours, but can be condensed and/or tailored to your groups requirements. There is an additional fee to do so.
Blindness 101 Fee Structure
Regular Rate $725 (plus travel expenses)
For groups up to 20 (if your group exceeds 20, contact us for pricing)
3 hour in-person workshop
Not-for-profit rate $435 (plus travel expenses)
For groups up to 20 (if your group exceeds 20, contact us for pricing)
3 hour in-person workshop
(A $100 deposit is required with the balance to be paid upon workshop completion.)
Individual Rate $40
For individuals, the cost to attend a workshop presented at the Blind Beginnings office in Vancouver is $40. Contact us for dates for upcoming Workshops.
Outside of the Lower Mainland all travel and accommodation costs will be charged in addition to workshop fees.
If you are interested in participating in an upcoming Blindness 101 Workshop or would like to arrange a Workshop for your group or organization, please fill out the form below.