Fall and Winter Fashion Tips

I've always been interested in fashion. I think it stems from my parents. Ever since I was born, my mother would put me in trendy clothing. She thought that just because I couldn't see myself clearly in the mirror, that doesn't mean that I shouldn't care about my appearance. I couldn't agree more, and I even took it farther and made it a hobby and an important part of my identity and self-image. Around the age of 10, when I was able to have unrestricted access to the Internet, I spent my free time watching YouTube videos and reading fashion blogs. I would combine the year's trends with my own unique (and sometimes unconventional) taste to create my own sense of style.

I've been told before on occasion that I don't dress the way that people typically imagine blind people to look. Breaking this stereotype is very important to me because anyone can care about looking their best, regardless of disability. I would also like to point out that, although I identify as female, these tips can apply to any and all genders. Everyone should be able to express themselves without fear of discrimination.

One thing that is very important to me when it comes to clothes is texture. Knit sweaters are perfect for this during fall and winter. I'm able to recognize every knit sweater I own just by touching them, no vision required. Another way to incorporate texture is through a stylish coat. I have a coat that is made up of fur, suede, and wool. All materials are faux due to ethical concerns and price. It looks trendy and makes my outfits look put together, yet it also feels like I'm wearing a blanket.In terms of colours, I recommend darker colours. Colours such as burgundy or army green look great during the colder months. If you are like me and love wearing bright colours, any warm colours such as yellow, red, and orange work for fall. During winter, I personally don't wear bright colours except for Christmas or Valentine's Day. Of course, this is personal preference.

Due to the current climate of the world we are living in, I think it's important to bring up the issue of masks. This has been a big adjustment for many people; however, we can make the best of the situation. There are masks available that are themed to activities that people enjoy, such as music and sports. Many popular books, movies, and TV shows also have corresponding masks available online.

In terms of putting together outfits, you will find me 90 percent of the time in what I like to call my “fall and winter uniform”. This consists of either black leggings or jeans on the bottom with any coloured sweater on top. Since the bottoms are neutral, I know automatically that anything I wear on top will match. It's foolproof and takes less than a minute to put together.For the other 10 percent of the time when I have time to put together a creative outfit, I wear colourful pants or a skirt with one of my nicer tops. I also love sweater dresses. They are already an outfit put together for you, and it takes away the stress of matching clothes. If you live somewhere that doesn't have mild winters, there are thick, footless tights available to wear underneath skirts and dresses.One last thing to remember is that these are just my recommendations. You don't have to apply every tip in this article to know you are beautiful both inside and out.

by Nika Najafi


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