Blind Beginnings is hiring!

We are currently looking to expand our Team with a Full-Time Program & Memberships Coordinator

Check out our Join Our Team page for more details and to apply!

Blind Beginnings Society has worked tirelessly since its inception in 2008 to inspire and support children and youth in BC who are blind or partially sighted.

Through participation in independence and confidence building workshops, recreational activities, leadership programs, and summer camps, children and youth develop the skills and confidence to challenge their personal limits and create fulfilling lives.

Limitless potential is all we see.

Our Mission

To inspire children and youth who are blind or partially sighted and their families, providing diverse programs, experiences, counselling, peer support, and opportunities for them to create fulfilling lives.

Our Programs

  • Early Intervention

    We provide specialized support during the most formative years of a child’s development, from birth to 5 years of age.

  • For Kids

    Blind Beginnings offers a variety of programs that are specifically designed for children ages 5 -12 who are blind or partially sighted.

  • For Teens

    We also provide programs, workshops, and special events for teens ages 13 - 19 which help build confidence and self-esteem.

  • For Families

    Involving the entire family and providing support to parents is also very important, and much of our programs involve the entire family unit.

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